Wadden Sea mindfulness exercises focus of PROWAD Link workshop

On 27 October 2022, an evaluation workshop organised by the Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park Authority took place with regional stakeholders. The focus of the workshop was the concept "Me & the Wadden Sea - Mindfulness Exercises", a model compilation of exercises developed on behalf of the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park Authority by „Businessbar – Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, YOGA und Mee(h)r“, a coaching and consulting small and medium-sized entreprises (SMEs).
The aim was to set impulses for mindfulness a way to connect with the inner self and with the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site. Thus, the positive effects of experiencing nature on the mental health of guests and locals are promoted as well as an emotional connection with the Wadden Sea is fostered. Furthermore, the exercise set is a starting point for a sustainable upgrading of the services of SMEs in the region in the field of wellness and well-being and a step towards a deepened cooperation of this sector with the National Park Authority. The expertise of potential users and multipliers was sought for development and evaluation. All workshop participants, representing mindfulness and yoga coaches, accommodations and touristic organisations, received the exercises in advance.
At the event group exercises were tested together and the feedback processed. The overall conclusion was very positive, the exercises were seen as useful and enriching, and the workshop was also valued as an opportunity for cross-sectoral networking.
The workshop took place in the framework of Interreg B project PROWAD Link.